Collection: Portable Vaporizers

Portable Vaporizers

Pocket friendly and made to travel, Portable Vaporizers are the best choice for users who are frequently on the go or vaping around the house. Portable vapes are easier to store, more discreet, and come in a variety of options to suit anybody.

We carry some of the newest and best selling portable vaporizers, which have been hand chosen for our site to suit new and seasoned customers. Puffitup stands behind each product we carry, so you can be assured that we'll only have what we believe to be the best portable vaporizers.

If you're wondering which portable vape to buy, check out our blog for help. We have information on the build of some portable vapes such as the Fury EDGE Teardown blog, in depth reviews of other products such as the IQ2 First Look, and in depth User Guides such as the Mighty User Guide. You can also email or chat with us for assistance. We'll be happy to help pair you with the best portable vape for you.