PAX Labs x Goldcrown Plus Vaporizer
PAX Labs x Goldcrown Plus Vaporizer
PAX Labs x Goldcrown Plus Vaporizer
PAX Labs x Goldcrown Plus Vaporizer always offers the PAX Labs x Goldcrown Plus Vaporizer at the lowest possible price. Discounts are never needed or enabled.
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Introducing the latest artist collaboration from PAX, inspired by James Goldcrown’s world-famous “heart” icon. James believes that hearts represent something different to everyone, depending on life's moment. A heart can reflect joy, nostalgia, happiness, peace, commitment, and even a memory.
Available in the Mini and the Plus. Get these limited edition pieces for your stores today.
Please note: These are complete kits
Introducing the latest artist collaboration from PAX, inspired by James Goldcrown’s world-famous “heart” icon. James believes that hearts represent something different to everyone, depending on life's moment. A heart can reflect joy, nostalgia, happiness, peace, commitment, and even a memory.
Available in the Mini and the Plus. Get these limited edition pieces for your stores today.
Please note: These are complete kits