Ed's TnT WoodScents
Ed's TnT WoodScents
Ed's TnT WoodScents
Ed's TnT WoodScents
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Ed’s TnT WoodScents
Ed’s TnT WoodScents are hand-made, USA crafted, wooden vaporizers that turn your favorite Dynavap into a powerful desktop portable vaporizer.
Ed’s TnT Woodscents transform your favorite Dynavap into a powerful, portable desktop vaporizer. The logs are handcrafted from real wood in the USA and use titanium medical grade 2 materials for a clean and healthy vapor path.
Included Items
- WoodScents Titanium AromaLog (Patterns may vary)
- Titanium Vapcap Tip /w Screen and O-Rings
- Vapcap Cap
- 3” 14mm Matching Wood Tapered Stem with Condenser
- 14/18mm Matching Wood Water Pipe Adapter with no Condenser
- WoodScents Glass Aroma Cup
- WoodScents 4” Straight Draw Glass Stem
- WoodScents Ti-Tip Glass Aroma Stem 4”
- WoodScents 14mm Glass Water Pipe Adapter
- 12V Power Adapter
- Extension Cable
- Extra Ti Screen
- 1 Pack of Extra Ti Tip O-Rings
- 1 Tin of Bomb Ass Butter Wood Conditioner
Ed’s TnT WoodScents
Ed’s TnT WoodScents are hand-made, USA crafted, wooden vaporizers that turn your favorite Dynavap into a powerful desktop portable vaporizer.
Ed’s TnT Woodscents transform your favorite Dynavap into a powerful, portable desktop vaporizer. The logs are handcrafted from real wood in the USA and use titanium medical grade 2 materials for a clean and healthy vapor path.
Included Items
- WoodScents Titanium AromaLog (Patterns may vary)
- Titanium Vapcap Tip /w Screen and O-Rings
- Vapcap Cap
- 3” 14mm Matching Wood Tapered Stem with Condenser
- 14/18mm Matching Wood Water Pipe Adapter with no Condenser
- WoodScents Glass Aroma Cup
- WoodScents 4” Straight Draw Glass Stem
- WoodScents Ti-Tip Glass Aroma Stem 4”
- WoodScents 14mm Glass Water Pipe Adapter
- 12V Power Adapter
- Extension Cable
- Extra Ti Screen
- 1 Pack of Extra Ti Tip O-Rings
- 1 Tin of Bomb Ass Butter Wood Conditioner